Student satisfaction with teaching staff

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It is a quantitative indicator that shows average of satisfaction with quality of teaching staff, quality teaching and teaching staff engagement.

The indicator is calculated starting from the data of a satisfaction survey of students about teaching staff’s subject-matter competences/methodological competences/vocational training competences/digital skills competences/social competences (e.g., team, communication and leadership competences)/respect and interest for students/encouraging students’ autonomous thinking and acting/pedagogical knowledge and skills (e.g., knowledge of teaching models and learning processes)/sensitivity to class level and progress/fostering sustainability values (social, ecological, economical)/feedback to students (e.g., on work in progress, test, completed assignments).

As far as the level of decision making is concerned, it is a tactical indicator and falls within Teaching & Learning scope.


Average valoration of the quality of teaching staff, quality teaching and teaching staff engagement (Survey data).